So, go ahead and register for an account with your IPv6 broker of choice. They will probably offer you one /64 network which forms the 'link' between them and you and a /48 network which is for your LAN. Now in the IPv4 world we hate waste and normally you would subnet your point-to-point links with say a /30 subnet to give you a network, broadcast plus 2 host addresses. The IPv6 world is at this point not encouraging the use of /126 or /127 subnet masks for point-to-point links but instead is suggesting a /64. Of course this means that the point-to-point link now has 1.810 addresses available...ah no worries.
So you have your allocations so lets crack on configuring your router.
First things first you know that you are running IPv4 and your ISP probably doesn't support your desire to run IPv6 over their network. So we pick up that old Cisco trick of encapsulating the unsupported IPv6 traffic into IPv4 packets. A tunnel is perfect for this and luckily we can perform this 6-to-4 transformation using IPv6 inside both GRE or IP packets.
In the example below we have configured our tunnel interface and Tu0. We are setting the encapsulation type as IPv6IP (IPv6 inside an IP packet). Maybe (optional) we set a description on the interface. We set the local and remote IPv4 addresses for the tunnel. Now we enable IPv6 and then finally we give it the IPv6 address.
router> enable
router# configure terminal
router(config)# interface tunnel0
router(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
router(config-if)# description My First IPv6 Tunnel
router(config-if)# tunnel source
router(config-if)# tunnel destination
router(config-if)# tunnel mode ipv6ip
router(config-if)# ipv6 enable
router(config-if)# ipv6 address
Here is a working example.
Thats it. So now lets have a look at the tunnel and make sure it's up and running.
Well that looks good but we still need to setup the routing table just like IPv4. We'll create a single static default route pointing all IPv6 traffic into the new tunnel interface. You could also use the IPv6 address of the broker side of the tunnel to save the recursion but the interface works fine.
router> enable
router# configure terminal
router(config)# ipv6 route ::0/0 tunnel0
Maybe we can do a ping to an ipv6 address to make sure all is well (please understand that our router has been configured to perform dns lookups against the google DNS servers using the 'ip domain-lookup' and 'ip name-server' commands in global configuration mode).
So that worked a treat and we're able to get out to the internet. There are two steps left. Firstly we need to enable your local LAN addressing now using the new /48 your broker allocated to you so lets do that now.
Now there is a question around what address do you use on the LAN from your /48 allocation. Well lets consider the IPv6 address for a moment. The first 64 bits are considered as the network. As an example our IPv6 /48 allocation looks like this:
The first 48 bits are 2001:0470:93FE and so we can subnet this into 65535 subnetworks working from 2001:470:93FE:1::/64 through to 2001:470:93FE:FFFF::/64. Do you see we are just changing the bits after the 93FE and the double colon ::? If you need to understand the IPv6 addressing then thats for another time, so for now lets move on. Choose a /64 network to work with...lets take 2001:470:93FE:1::/64.
router> enable
router# configure terminal
router(config)# interface G0/0
router(config-if)# description My Inside Interface
router(config-if)# ipv6 enable
router(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:470:93FE:1::/64 eui-64
Whats the eui-64 all about? Well basically it creates a unique IPv6 address by taking the 48-bit MAC address of the interface, reversing the 7bit around, jamming another 16 bits of FFFE into the middle and putting the rest it to the end of your existing /64 address. Scared? Don't be, it's really nice. You can of course choose to fix your own IP address by doing this instead:
router(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:470:93FE:1::1/64
We've chosen .1 as the router address and why not. So now thats done pick a host on behind this interface on your router, enable IPv6 on the stack and away you go. There are some other things in IPv6 like neighbor discovery (ICMPv6) which lists neighbor capability like DHCP servers and routing etc but thats for another time. This should be all you need to get routing IPv6.
So what about security? I'm guessing you're already using access lists on your router right? Maybe it's a standard or extended ACL, maybe it's reflexive or CBAC or even maybe ZBF? The point is that you have some sort of access control. IPv6 is no different so lets take a look at a quick and dirty access list for IPv6 using a reflexive ACL. We'll create two ACL's called TU0-INBOUND (Tunnel inbound) and TU0-OUTBOUND (tunnel Outbound). We'll basically just allow ping and then any outbound TCP and UDP traffic will be permitted and relexive. Anything inbound which was not initiated from inside the router OR a ping will be denied and logged.
ipv6 access-list TU0-INBOUND
permit icmp any any echo-request
permit icmp any any echo-reply
deny ipv6 any any log-input
ipv6 access-list TU0-OUTBOUND
permit icmp any any echo-reply
permit icmp any any echo-request
permit tcp any any reflect REFLECTOUT
permit udp any any reflect REFLECTOUT
deny ipv6 any any log-input
Then we should apply these to the tunnel0 interface.
router(config)# int tu0
router(config-if)# ipv6 traffic-filter TU0-INBOUND in
router(config-if)# ipv6 traffic-filter TU0-INBOUND out
So lets fire up a web browser and see if we can get to an IPv6 enabled website...this is
Now we'll escape back to priv exec mode and do a quick 'show access-lists' to see if we are matching rules.
Hey we have traffic matches.
Thats it. Enjoy
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